Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Due to unseen circumstances we have lost the location at my nans house. We are also now filming on the 23rd and are in discussion about location.
Poster 2nd draft
This is the 2nd draft of the poster, we have tried to make the poster similar to the proffesional ones seen outside cinema's. We have included the logo's of distributers we think would distribute our film. We have looked at working title and the type of distributors associated with similar genres to us, like 'Shaun of the Dead'. We have also put our new logo and group name down. This is 'Blue Box' which is a convergence of our old companies 'Big box' and 'Blue monkey'. I'm still not happy with the tag line 'You're in good hands with a zombie' however we are adressing this issue.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
We have made a list of all probs we will need for the entire film. Below is a list of props. The ones highlighted red are props we shall be searching for on Tuesday 16th:
1. Car
2. Mobile phone
3. Games controller
4. Beer cans/bottles
5. Coffee Table BROUGHT
6. Dirty Magazine
7. Fake hand (Either looking or making)
8. Guitar
9. Fake blood
10. Cutlery
11. Clothing
12: Zombie eye contact lense
I have done some research into how to make a fake hand. This is a website with detailed instructions on how to make a fake hand: http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-a-Fake-Hand/
We now have a table which we brought from a charity shop. It a little wooden top with a metal frame and rather small so its perfect for what we had in mind.
We our going to make the fake hand now by getting a plastic glove and filling it with plaster of paris then we shall cover it in paper mache and finally paint it to give the effect we want.
1. Car
2. Mobile phone
3. Games controller
4. Beer cans/bottles
5. Coffee Table BROUGHT
6. Dirty Magazine
7. Fake hand (Either looking or making)
8. Guitar
9. Fake blood
10. Cutlery
11. Clothing
12: Zombie eye contact lense
I have done some research into how to make a fake hand. This is a website with detailed instructions on how to make a fake hand: http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-a-Fake-Hand/
We now have a table which we brought from a charity shop. It a little wooden top with a metal frame and rather small so its perfect for what we had in mind.
We our going to make the fake hand now by getting a plastic glove and filling it with plaster of paris then we shall cover it in paper mache and finally paint it to give the effect we want.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
We now have a male actor for our film.
The cast is as follows:
We have printed of scripts for all the cast and a few of the crew. This is in preparation for a read through of the script of Sunday 14th November. The purpose of the read through is to provide the cast with information about there characters and the plot and answer any questions they may have.
I have now handed a script to Sam White who is our male actor who will read the script. Unfortunately Steph cannot make our Sunday rehearsal. I have sent her a message asking when she is free so we can then start to put together a filming schedule. When I recieve the dates and times I will then talk to the rest of the cast and crew about when they are free so hopefully we will have a acurate and working schedule.
The cast is as follows:
Luke- Samuel white
Caroline- Steph Dearden
Mickey- Samuel Peckham
Dave- Edward Watson
Justin- Guy in car

I have now handed a script to Sam White who is our male actor who will read the script. Unfortunately Steph cannot make our Sunday rehearsal. I have sent her a message asking when she is free so we can then start to put together a filming schedule. When I recieve the dates and times I will then talk to the rest of the cast and crew about when they are free so hopefully we will have a acurate and working schedule.
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
We are very close to filming however we are still having problems with casting. We have sent an email to everyone in 6th form asking if anyone knows of anyone willing to star in our film We have had one reply today and will hopefully have more.
For our advanced portfolio for A2 media studies We are looking for a male in their early 20’s or someone who looks 20 who wouldn’t mind having the male lead in a short film. The filming would mainly take place on a Sunday. If you know anyone who is interested please can you get them to email one of these three people:
Many thanks
Sam, Ryan and Justin
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Poster research
We have started to think about posters for our film. To inspire us for ideas I have decided to look at posters for films of similar genre to ours. I have looked at three posters: Shaun of the dead, Scary movie 4 and Zombie Land.
I think this poster is really effective. It takes key points from the film and puts this onto paper. I like the idea that Shaun and the gang try to escape the zombies in the films and that the poster is almost a poster in a poster with a sense that Shaun and the Title is the poster part and that the zombies are trying to drag Shaun out of this safe place. I also like the fact that the font which is a simple bold white capitalised writing is made effective by making it slightly tattered and having a Zombie hand in the middle of the A.
Scary movie 4s poster title font doesn't really have any hidden messages or relation to the film. In a way it adds a connection to the other scary movie films as their title font is the same in their other films.
This is the draft to our poster. We have put in a tag line and experimented with font. We shall put in a picture soon and tidy up the general poster and add some colour.

Monday, 18 October 2010
Today we are looking at film reviews from media magazine for our first ancillary task. We are focusing on how they are produced, what they contain and the style to make our film review look professional and high quality.
The photo on the left is the review on kick ass from the popular media magazine 'Empire'. We have decided to use this as our template for our media magazine. Justin has started to design the layout and capture key points of the article on our version. The reason for for using an example to help us layout our review is to make the magazine review realistic and believable and of the same high quality you would expect to see in 'Empire'.
Justin has been working hard and has produced a draft 2 of the magazine review. I think this is starting to look very good and very similar to the real magazine article.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
We have a complete script posted on our blog which can be found below. We have a completed Storyboard and are in the process of tidying it up i.e. adding colour. This is so it will stand out when we produce our animatic. We have also started adding descrition to our storyboars. When we are filming we will try and stick to the storyboard as much as possible.
We are also in the process of making a mood board. I have found this rather difficult but because I have produced it on 'Prezz' I think I can come up with clever ways of revealing the mood board to people as well as add hidden discriptions of each photo in each photo.
We are planning to film hopefully in the first weeks of Novemeber. This will depend of if we have our cast. We are lucky with the fact that some of our scenes will need to be filmed in the evening and now that it is getting dark earlier in the evenings we wont have to have late filming sessions to get the film produced.
At the moment I feel we are working well as a team. We are meeting deadlines and we are always coming up with new ideas to on how we can improve the film or ideas on how to promote the film. We have a facebook group which I shall add the link to shortly. We have a few fans and we on here we are hoping to have information about the film. This will include things like photos from shooting days, information about the film i.e. story line and also asking for audience response.
We are also in the process of making a mood board. I have found this rather difficult but because I have produced it on 'Prezz' I think I can come up with clever ways of revealing the mood board to people as well as add hidden discriptions of each photo in each photo.
We are planning to film hopefully in the first weeks of Novemeber. This will depend of if we have our cast. We are lucky with the fact that some of our scenes will need to be filmed in the evening and now that it is getting dark earlier in the evenings we wont have to have late filming sessions to get the film produced.
At the moment I feel we are working well as a team. We are meeting deadlines and we are always coming up with new ideas to on how we can improve the film or ideas on how to promote the film. We have a facebook group which I shall add the link to shortly. We have a few fans and we on here we are hoping to have information about the film. This will include things like photos from shooting days, information about the film i.e. story line and also asking for audience response.
Monday, 11 October 2010
Script for Dead Man's Love
Dead mans love final
View more documents from RyanA2media.
This is the script for our film 'Dead Man's Love'. It was written by myself and Sam. The script contains the directions and speech for every scene in the film. We are thinking about having a song in the film which we are yet to add but this will be added once I know who are actor is and if he has any musical talent i.e. playing guitar, if not we may record a song that he can play on a CD player and sing along to a track which I think would also be funny. We will send the script out to our actors as soon as we know who is playing which character so they have time to learn their parts but also prepare their characterisations.
Friday, 8 October 2010
We look to be making huge progress. We have almost finished the story board. Currently we are looking to find contact lenses that look a bit like the ones that zombies have in films. We know someone who used these sort of lenses last year and they looked really effective. We are currently in the process of getting a site so we can order them. We also have location set for our home scenes. My Nan has agreed that we can film there. We are now looking at doing a thought board.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Script Finished
We seem to be on track with our planning for our film. We have finished the script and have storyboarded the first scene. We have thought about some extra scenes but we may do those if we don't have enough footage. These new ideas include a scene in the bedroom where Dave walks in on Luke and wife in bed and they discover Mickey has been there all along! Another idea is to have a twist where Dave and Mickey are Zombies too. These would only appear if we don't have enough footage to cover the time or if we feel our story is lacking some scenes and decide to add them.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Black Hole indepth
The film starts with a bla
ck screen with the title 'Black Hole'. The director take the concept of going into a black hole and use this to reveal the setting by having the black screen open and peel back to reveal a hole which then pans from left to right. This is effective as the director has thought about the narritive of the film and has tried to incorporate this in the titles.
The lighting is used effectively throughout this short film. The director hasn't chosen anything that contrast the location. He has tried to make it realistic using props and lighting combined to create a realistic mise-en-scene. The darkness and use of artificial lighting creates a realistic office scene and as the camera pans across the room to the man at the photo copier the audience can pick out props that you would expect to see in an office envrioment.
Facial e
xpression is used effectively with a lot of shots to create tension, humor and many other emotions. A mid shot shows the man waiting at a photo copier however a vivid facial expresions alert the viewer to his boredness. This also relates to a office work place as we can guess hes been there for a while and he is tired a
nd/or bored. Close ups are also used a lot to convey the actors emotions. When the actor first discovers the black hole a close up is used to show his confusion. A close up is then used again when he opens the photo copier to discover there was nothing to be copied. The use of the light from the copier creates an eerie feel and almost a hint of suspense.
The lighting is used effectively throughout this short film. The director hasn't chosen anything that contrast the location. He has tried to make it realistic using props and lighting combined to create a realistic mise-en-scene. The darkness and use of artificial lighting creates a realistic office scene and as the camera pans across the room to the man at the photo copier the audience can pick out props that you would expect to see in an office envrioment.
Facial e
How does the narrative work?
[vodpod id=Video.4485889&w=425&h=350&fv=prezi_id%3Dft6qay3-wwuf%26amp%3Block_to_path%3D0%26amp%3Bcolor%3Dffffff%26amp%3Bautoplay%3Dno%26amp%3Bautohide_ctrls%3D0]
This presentation is actually discussing the narrative of the film.
How does the narrative work?, posted with vodpod
This presentation is actually discussing the narrative of the film.
Monday, 20 September 2010
Thursday, 16 September 2010
A2 Proposal
For A2 we are planning to produce a short film, along with a poster for the film and cover for a film magazine. We have chosen to do a film as we believe we will gain more experience from doing this.
For our idea we are planning to produce a zom rom com (romantic comedy with zombies) like 'Shaun of the dead'. The story is based around a male character who dies after being hit by a car. However he thinks nothing has happend, until he returns home to a shocked wife/girlfriend. After discovering he is indeed a zombie he tries to live a normal life but with zombie instincts kicking in how long will his relationship last?
I think this will give us the oppourtunity to develope skills. One skill in media that this will help improve is special effects. The scene where are chracter gets hit by a car will require us to use effects. I also think we can use sound really well in this film. The use of non diegetic sound will be very useful to create atmosphere. For e.g. the use of scary sound tracks will help create an eariness and also and edge.
For our idea we are planning to produce a zom rom com (romantic comedy with zombies) like 'Shaun of the dead'. The story is based around a male character who dies after being hit by a car. However he thinks nothing has happend, until he returns home to a shocked wife/girlfriend. After discovering he is indeed a zombie he tries to live a normal life but with zombie instincts kicking in how long will his relationship last?
I think this will give us the oppourtunity to develope skills. One skill in media that this will help improve is special effects. The scene where are chracter gets hit by a car will require us to use effects. I also think we can use sound really well in this film. The use of non diegetic sound will be very useful to create atmosphere. For e.g. the use of scary sound tracks will help create an eariness and also and edge.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
A2 Task
Black Hole
I have chosen to do a short film for my coursework. To research this I have found the short fil 'Black Hole'. The genre of this film is a comedy. This is made apprent through the key concepts. The story combined with location, choice of shots, sound, characters and facial expresion etc helps convey the comedic genre to the audience.
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