Thursday, 14 October 2010


We have a complete script posted on our blog which can be found below. We have a completed Storyboard and are in the process of tidying it up i.e. adding colour. This is so it will stand out when we produce our animatic. We have also started adding descrition to our storyboars. When we are filming we will try and stick to the storyboard as much as possible.

We are also in the process of making a mood board. I have found this rather difficult but because I have produced it on 'Prezz' I think I can come up with clever ways of revealing the mood board to people as well as add hidden discriptions of each photo in each photo.

We are planning to film hopefully in the first weeks of Novemeber. This will depend of if we have our cast. We are lucky with the fact that some of our scenes will need to be filmed in the evening and now that it is getting dark earlier in the evenings we wont have to have late filming sessions to get the film produced.

At the moment I feel we are working well as a team. We are meeting deadlines and we are always coming up with new ideas to on how we can improve the film or ideas on how to promote the film. We have a facebook group which I shall add the link to shortly. We have a few fans and we on here we are hoping to have information about the film. This will include things like photos from shooting days, information about the film i.e. story line and also asking for audience response.

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