Friday 11 February 2011

Update and filming schedule change

Editing seems to be going really well. We have finished editing the footage of the car scene with sound to be edited. We had a slight problem with that scene. During Justing checking to see if Luke was alive there were some Lucazade bottles we had left on the side of the road. We didn't realise till viewing the footage at school we had left these there. Gareth a friend who has helped us with the filming stage suggested we masked the bottles. I got a tutorial and used Adobe after affects to help mask the bottles. This was fairly simple to do, I first had to track the bottles in order to mask them, a tip I got was to start at a middle point and either track forward or backward then vice versa. I then used the pen tool to select an area of the pavement I wanted, this duplicated the area in order for to place it over the bottles. The piece I had chosen was very obvious to notice because of the sharp edges so I had to use the feather tool to lighten the edges. Final to make the pavement the same colour I used the effect RGB curves to lighten the pavement and make it blend in.

We have one last scene to film which we will finish after half term and in the meantime continue editing.

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